Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lose weight fast diet plan rules

If living with your parents taught you anything, it's that the more rules there are, the more you want to break them. And losing weight can seem like nothing but rules.

Fortunately, rebellion has its advantages: Disregarding strict food guidelines could be the secret to a successful slim-down. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that people with a flexible approach to eating-one that allows for sweets and other perceived slip-ups-had a better record of maintaining weight loss than dieters with an "all or nothing" strategy.

How can you do it without skidding into a diet danger zone? We got top nutrition pros to confess the supposedly vital weight-loss principles they violate. Employ their secrets to stay satisfied without gaining an ounce.

Comments: A lot of people (and celebs) seem to swear by the whole "don't eat after 6 pm" rule, but really, who are they kidding? Unless you plan on going to bed at 7pm--and we all know that it's unlikely to be the case--then staying up for another 4 hours without fueling is going to drive you to crash, and even cave in and have something unhealthy. I think the fear is always that you're eating because you're bored or for entertainment--which is sometimes the case when you eat at night or in the evening during your down time. I would like to think that your eating habits shouldn't be so different than during the day, although I can see a point to tapering your meals towards the end of the day. Rather than cutting off all eating completely, maybe snacking on veggies, yogurt, and fruit, as mentioned, is a better solution

I try to follow all these rules but don't mind breaking them if I have to. I'm living a healthier lifestyle and, generally, that means my diet (and exercise) plan has to fit into my lifestyle. So I usually eat 5 to 6 small meals a day but, when my schedule doesn't allow it, I'll get by on 3 squares. I think striving to live your life so completely routinized is bound to set you up for failure because things just go wrong sometimes. Adaptability is the key to survival for a reason. So every now and then, I jog in the evenings instead of the morning. I'll eat a late dinner and have a bit of dessert. We're all working so hard to extend our lives and be healthy, but there's no point if you can't enjoy your life, too

A tip for pasta-lovers...even those who are on low glycemic or low card diets can still enjoy pasta. You just have to keep your portion reasonable, i.e. (1 cup of cooked pasta is a serving) and most importantly don't overcook it! Overcooking makes the pasta break down easily during digestion and convert to sugars quickly. Pasta should be cooked "Al Dente" style (so that it's still somewhat firm). This slows down the digestion process in your body and won't spike your insulin/blood sugar.



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